HOOOOOOOO that slowed down song is a massive V I B E.
So I decided to be experimental again this time around, and i slowed down the song as well as fixed cropping. Hopefully, you guys like that! Also, that shading though.
Programs used:
Adobe Photoshop 2020 (Artwork Creation...
ScoutBox07-Aug-20 05:30 PM
MintyT21 720p07-Aug-20 05:43 PM
family guy
Kur07-Aug-20 05:44 PM
family gay
BluScoutSFM07-Aug-20 06:12 PM
Thanks again Jam, really means a lot :)
Kur07-Aug-20 06:14 PM
It's pretty cute tbh
Kur08-Aug-20 02:27 PM
Animated Server Icon
Jampoint08-Aug-20 02:29 PM
Hell yeah
CrazyZack0708-Aug-20 09:43 PM
I mean the servers boosted, you could use it
Kur08-Aug-20 09:44 PM
It's on a grace period
Boost goes away in 1 or 2 days
CrazyZack0708-Aug-20 09:47 PM
Kur08-Aug-20 09:55 PM
You're not a nitro subscriber so you probably dont know these things
It's on the Discord help docs
CrazyZack0710-Aug-20 05:42 PM
yes i am
have been since christmas
I didnt realise what you meant
but you mean that once you stop boosting
it takes some time
to get rid of
Jampoint16-Aug-20 01:01 AM
Here's a small sketch for y'all tonight. Make sure y'all dominate some bots!
CrazyZack0716-Aug-20 07:19 AM
Kur16-Aug-20 09:38 AM
Jampoint16-Aug-20 10:11 AM
Jampoint20-Aug-20 01:00 AM
@Tombatom gimme cosmetic loadout or die
Kur20-Aug-20 01:24 AM
Jampoint20-Aug-20 01:55 AM
Here's a very smol sketch I did on a notepad while waiting for some stuff during driving. Is smol scout.
More experimenting on gradients, colors, and all sorts of fun Photoshop tools. I need to practice backgrounds more often. Also, this was my longest speedpaint, capping at 3 hours! Fun!
Programs used:
Adobe Photoshop 2020 (Artwork Creation)
Adobe After Effects 2020 (Editing th...
Kur22-Aug-20 07:58 PM
@Jampoint meet the sniper
MintyT21 720p22-Aug-20 11:22 PM
Promoting nightlight (edited)
Kur22-Aug-20 11:33 PM
Jampoint22-Aug-20 11:46 PM
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:55 PM
tfw no one knows what hes protesting
Kur22-Aug-20 11:57 PM
@MintyT21 720p Notice how the printing on the cardboard distracts from the pencil strokes and makes it hard to see. I feel like the sign should be printed professionally instead of hand drawn as it would make it more appealing to bystanders
Just advice
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:57 PM
i mean he wasnt doing it professionally
Kur22-Aug-20 11:57 PM
My point still stands
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:57 PM
he just did it cuz he could
MintyT21 720p22-Aug-20 11:58 PM
its Alaha
Kur22-Aug-20 11:58 PM
It's really easy to say, go to Staples and get a cardboard print that will attract more customers
I do it for my art projects
MintyT21 720p22-Aug-20 11:58 PM
i'm in Vegas
Kur22-Aug-20 11:58 PM
I dont live there
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:58 PM
id be surprised if anyone who'd come across him and know what nightlight would be lol
Kur22-Aug-20 11:59 PM
id be surprised if anyone who'd come across him and know what nightlight would be lol
@Chikn lol fair point, gonna need a fuckin billboard to get anyone into this server.
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:59 PM
ye in vegas
Kur22-Aug-20 11:59 PM
Or a whole god damn E3 presentation
Chikn22-Aug-20 11:59 PM
no tf2 player would be in vegas lol
Kur22-Aug-20 11:59 PM
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 12:00 AM
some drunk dude ask why i had a sign i reply with i we don't support cheating for the valve game Team Fortress 2
Kur23-Aug-20 12:01 AM
for a drunk guy he sure didnt ask any stupid questions
Chikn23-Aug-20 12:01 AM
for the hit, FPS, Multiplayer, Valve game that was released in october, 2007, Team Fartress 2
Kur23-Aug-20 12:01 AM
I'd be confused too if I was an old man and a kid in a mall was telling me to fight for a video game (edited)
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 12:01 AM
Kur23-Aug-20 12:01 AM
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 12:02 AM
its Vegas wired shits happened
Kur23-Aug-20 12:03 AM
I live in boring ass Marshall mo, there are no good changes here (edited)
Ever (edited)
Towns been around since the 1920s and it's still smaller than fucking Sedailia
Mayor is too lazy to do anything
Jampoint23-Aug-20 12:08 AM
Bro the bots need to step up their game, we advertising in real life :')
Chikn23-Aug-20 12:15 AM
clearly we had high budgets for the advertising of night light products
the kids gotta sleep without them demons sneaking out of their closets
Jampoint23-Aug-20 12:16 AM
Pinned a message.
Pinned a message.
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 12:30 AM
Promoting nightlight to drunk high people
Jampoint23-Aug-20 12:31 AM
Hey, they may try TF2!
Chikn23-Aug-20 12:42 AM
if they try to get over their hangover maybe
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 01:09 AM
Chikn23-Aug-20 01:11 AM
give this man a blank cardboard and thick permanent markers
we need more drunk people onto tf2
MintyT21 720p23-Aug-20 01:11 AM
Jampoint23-Aug-20 01:16 AM
Pinned a message.
Jampoint23-Aug-20 02:15 AM
Another sketch for tonight ;v;
! 0A-Squatty23-Aug-20 02:16 AM
You're a bat now.
I might create a character for NightLight. I don't have anything yet, though.
Jampoint23-Aug-20 02:17 AM
I mean, mine is the same character, just now he suddenly got freckles lel
Somebody requested I drew wings so I did, lel
! 0A-Squatty23-Aug-20 09:55 AM
Jampoint23-Aug-20 10:46 AM
Kur23-Aug-20 01:13 PM
Another sketch for tonight ;v;
@Jampoint that's amazing
Jampoint24-Aug-20 12:04 AM
Not too proud of this one, but that's the fun of practicing and trying to improve posing and stuff
ScoutBox24-Aug-20 01:17 AM
hey that's the better part about art practice makes perfect